Sunday, July 28, 2013


One of the questions I frequency ask patients with back pain is, " Is it worst or experienced after sleeping?". Many times patients feel ok during the day and will wake up with spinal pain. This can be in the neck, upper back or low back. The first thing I look at is sleeping position. This can be a problem with a pillow or mattress that they are sleeping on. It can also be a problem with sleeping position. A majority of people tend to belly sleep which places stress on the spine mostly from extension and rotation if the body or neck are twisted. I recommend that we try to sleep on the back with a pillow under the knees and lower leg. On the side I like the fetal position with a pillow between the knees and head maintained in a neutral position. In other ways the pillow raised the head so that the neck and spine are in straight alignment. These positions will take pressure off the spine and start you day off right.

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