Friday, August 21, 2009

Health Care Reform Causing a Mess

All over the news rages the health care reform debate. How will this effect spinal care. There are so many options for care. Which ones will survive and which ones will be cut. The best care is spinal wellness and prevention. However, in 15 years of practice this appears low of people's priority list. Usually someones waits till they have a symptom or pain and seek help. These problems usually occur way before the pain starts. I mentioned this in previous posts. This concept is especially important once the pain and dysfunction is minimized ( notice I did not say fixed, because once there is a dysfunction you can always flare it up.). People go back to the lifestyle which caused the problem and expect it to be fine. WRONG WAY THINKING. Your thoughts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Will The Warm Weather Bring On Back Problems

As the warm weather approaches so does the urge to go outside and play. Maybe it is a nice long walk, a little run or maybe a round of golf. Before you go from 0-100 you should know a few things. First, make sure you are physically able to do your task at hand. If you were a couch potato all winter, jumping into intense exercise can be a problem. Start out easy and built yourself up. If you have some medical issues and now want to start to exercise, maybe this would be a good time to get cleared by your doc. Make sure you warm-up and stretch before activity. Also ease into some sports specific exercises which translate into your activity and activate the body's muscle firing patterns for a specific task. An example is taking some easy golf swings prior to going all out. Enjoy the weather and stay healthy. What activity are you going to challenge yourself with.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Back Pain Remedies

What are some of the ways you are treating your back pain? Are you more into prevention or wait till something happens?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chiropractic tops for back pain in a recent survey

Consumer reports recently surveyed over 14, 000 people who had back pain with in 12 months of the survey. They were asked to share their experiences on treatment. Over 20 different approaches were looked at for satisfaction. The survey results showed that hands on chiropractic manipulations were tops with a 59% highly satisfied positive response. Followed by physical therapy at 55%, and acupuncture with 53%. Physician specialist care received 44% and primary care doctors received 34%.

This review highly favors a more hands on approach to dealing with back pain. In my opinion, too many people wait till their pain is intense before seeking treatment. The advise that most back pain will work it’s way out with out any analysis or treatment is too symptom based as opposed to a functional and structural approach. There is usually a functional, structural or postural problem which is underlying and should not be ignored. Some one that is losing range of motion, core stability or developing poor posture may be pain free till they have a stressor trigger an episode. By that time spinal problems like disc disease or degeneration can be advanced. So it is always a good idea to have your spinal function and posture checked by a qualified specialist. This can be a chiropractor , therapist or medical doctor that is trained in looking at spinal mechanics. What is your experience in dealing with back problems?