Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Will The Warm Weather Bring On Back Problems

As the warm weather approaches so does the urge to go outside and play. Maybe it is a nice long walk, a little run or maybe a round of golf. Before you go from 0-100 you should know a few things. First, make sure you are physically able to do your task at hand. If you were a couch potato all winter, jumping into intense exercise can be a problem. Start out easy and built yourself up. If you have some medical issues and now want to start to exercise, maybe this would be a good time to get cleared by your doc. Make sure you warm-up and stretch before activity. Also ease into some sports specific exercises which translate into your activity and activate the body's muscle firing patterns for a specific task. An example is taking some easy golf swings prior to going all out. Enjoy the weather and stay healthy. What activity are you going to challenge yourself with.

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